Why Does God Permit Suffering |
God can do everything. Surely He can stop suffering. God is love. Surely He wants to stop suffering. Then why does suffering persist? Everywhere one turns in this world, one sees evil, sorrow, heartache, pain, suffering and death, To many people the problem of pain and suffering is an obstacle to Christian faith. Is pain a good thing?
The causes of pain and suffering 1. Personal choices – the law of cause and effect
2. Other people’s choices – no man is an island
3. Pain says, “Something is wrong with our world” How did our world go wrong? What went wrong? What were the consequences? Genesis 3:1-24
How did the problem begin? The Bible says the trouble began with the Devil or Satan, Many people today do not believe in a personal Devil. They teach that evil is just an idea – a state of mind – a product of the imagination. The Bible says the Devil is real, This teaching runs right through the Bible from beginning to end – more than 100 times Where did Satan come from? Did God create the Devil?
Some will ask, If Satan is a created being, is not God indirectly responsible for creating evil? At first thought it might seem so, but the answer is certainly not. God created Lucifer, a magnificent angel. When he came forth from the Creator’s hands he was not only beautiful but also perfect. Lucifer made a devil out of himself. A mother gives birth to a baby son, Like most mothers, she proudly shows her little son to others. As the years go by the little lad grows up and gets into bad company, He goes from bad to worse and finally commits murder for which he is hanged. Would you go to his mother and say, “Why did you bring a miserable wretch like that into the world? Of course not, As a babe he was just as sweet and pure as any other baby, He made a wretch of himself. Just so, Lucifer, created perfect, made a devil of himself. Why didn’t God destroy the Devil when he sinned?
The Bible indicates that this planet is not the only one that supports life. So in dealing with Lucifer and the rebellious angels, God had to take into account the millions of loyal angels and the possible billions of created beings. Had God destroyed Lucifer when he sinned many of the angels and other created beings would not have understood. To them it would have seemed that God was a tyrant and they would, in the future have served Him from fear instead of love, When God created men and angels, He took a terrible chance for He created them free moral agents. He gave them the power of choice. This being so there was always the possibility of someone doing wrong and Lucifer was that one, In order to vindicate His character before the universe God has had to allow the action of Satan to run its course. A just and loving God could do nothing else Why do bad things happen to good people?
Good can come out of suffering? We learn out of suffering – I won’t do that again God can bring good out of suffering – The story of Joseph -Romans 8:28
The End of pain and suffering – it will not go on forever Back to Bible Study Index |